Alpha Epsilon Delta, MO Beta Chapter
Alpha Epsilon Delta is the National Health Preprofessional Honor Society dedicated to the encouragement and recognition of excellence in preprofessional health scholarship, including medicine, dentistry, veterinary, and others. AED offers opportunities for intellectual and professional development, provides a forum for students with common interests, and extends a program of service to benefit the university community. The Pre-Health Club of Saint Louis University shares the same mission as AED and is open to all pre-health SLU students. Members of Pre-Health Club are considered associate members of the Missouri Beta chapter of AED.
GBM 1: General Info & Meet the E-Board on Thursday, September 5th at 6pm in Davis-Shaughnessy Hall Room 173
To visit our website, please go to
Interested? Join our 2023-2024 GroupMe!
Instagram: @aedslu