SLU Lions Club
Saint Louis University Lions Club is one branch of Lions International, the largest service organization in the world. All 1.35 million Lions in over 200 countries around the world share one common mission: to serve the communities around us.
As SLU Lions, we are committed to improving health on our campus, in St. Louis, and around the world. We have five Public Health Committees, including Drugs & Alcohol, Malnutrition, Obesity, Eating Disorders, and Environmental Health, that work with local organizations and schools to promote healthy behavior. We host a Hunger Banquet in the fall and the St. Louis Public Health Fair in the spring to raise awareness and to encourage stronger collaboration between other campus organizations, the university, and the city. We also focus on providing vision screenings for those in our community who are unable to afford care. In addition to these major events, we offer a wide range of continuous and one-time service opportunities throughout St. Louis.
For more information about are club or if you would like to join, please don’t hesitate to email us at or If you would like to keep up with our events and activities, join our GroupMe at , or follow us on Instagram @lionsofslu. We would love to hear from you!