Beta Beta Beta, Iota Chi Chapter
Please visit our main website for the latest information about upcoming meetings and events!
Beta Beta Beta is the National Biological Honor Society. It was founded in 1922 to function as an honor and professional society for students of the biological sciences. Its activities are designed to stimulate interest, scholarly
attainment, and investigation in the biological sciences as wel l as to promote the dissemination of information and new interpretations among students of the life sciences. The society also offers opportunities for research grants to its members and publishes undergraduate work in the pages of its own journal. Beta Beta Beta has more than 175,000 lifelong members and 430 chapters throughout the US and Puerto Rico.
St. Louis University's Iota Chi chapter (more commonly known as Tri-Beta) was founded in 1969. It offers students an opportunity to go beyond what they learn in the classroom with activities that explore the biological sciences. Tri-Beta is also an excellent way to meet other motivated students with an interest in biology and become more acquainted with your professors than you would in the lecture hall.